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Camp #1: Barefoot Republic

I finished up the school year strong and was very blessed by all of the encouraging things that my co-workers at BA did for me. I have learned so much working for Dallas ISD and know that my BA friends have helped prepare me for the next step to teach in Brazil.  I will enjoy the candy, as you all know, and the care package, notes, and poem will help carry me through the first semester in Brazil!  I know that everyone at BA was put into my life, at this specific time, and although moving on will be difficult, and saying good-bye is hard, we just have to carry our friendships through different means of intentional communication!  "Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them," and I genuinely believe that many of you will be lifelong friends.
This week I am leading kid's worship in Scotsville, Kentucky for Barefoot Republic's 3rd - 5th grade camp.  The camp is not only amazing, but very unique; uniting kids and staff from all backgrounds, cultures, and races, focusing on sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and racial reconciliation.  The kids get to come in and pick 2 specialties that they want to learn, or expand upon, and I am working with some other leaders with basketball and making the band.  1 Corinthians 12:27 says, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." Coming alive this week, I am seeing how Colossians 3:11 describes the body of Christ "Jew or Gentile, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all."

Praise be to him for restoration and reconciliation.  To actually see all of these races worship and praise the creator together strikes a chord in me and only encourages me to take the gospel to the nations!
