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My 6th Grade Graduation Poem

Today is a huge day of celebration!
The day of our 6th grade graduation!
Time just flies by, we have witnessed over the years, 
And we face today with joy and tears.

We cry because we love them from deep down inside.
And we rejoice because we love them and see how hard they have tried
To grow and study and even stay up late
Preparing for straight A’s on those big test dates.
They have hopefully grown wiser, 
As their clothes got a bit tighter
Because for sure they’ve gotten taller, 
And their minds have gotten brighter. 

This year was a challenge, not just for some but for all.
Their character was stretched and tested
At times it was hard to watch them fall.

We had many lessons of independence and submission,
Of freedom, community, and even persecution.
Science included genetics, inertia, atoms and changes
Social Studies and history, columbus, and slavery.
Books and books, and even more books… 
They took us to different time periods, worlds, and many were hooked.
We had lots of laughs, strange odors, and creative skits 
Inside jokes, photo shoots, and super cool field trips.

You see, my “job” isn't ever just a job
It’s much, much, much more. 
It’ an honor, a privilege, never a chore.
We can’t just walk away and leave it all on the table.
We have too many memories, investments, and won’t just be able…
To move on, and forget, your smiles and faces
The ways you have taught me much more than just patience.

We have become like a family, really tight knit. 
And moving on is hard, but we can’t just quit. 
The cool thing about 2014
Is that technology allows for so many things!
We can be miles apart, but still stay involved
We can encourage each other, keep in touch… problem solved! 

As some leave BIS and some stay here
Please keep me updated on your future years. 
How you chase your dreams and where you end up
What country your living in 
And when times are tough
I am trusting God’s word and His plan for our lives
That His will is good and to follow Him, I pray you will try
To seek Him in your actions and be bold with your words
To share the truth of His Kingdom to those who haven't heard. 
That Jesus reigns as King 
He conquered the curse of death… He redeems. 
He takes us - sinful, stained, and broken
And transfers us to His kingdom all clean, loved, and chosen.

Where you go, I pray that you will see
He takes you to those places so that you will seek
That you will seek Him, and grope for Him, and find.
That God has been there this whole time. 
That His love is big, and deep, and strong
By His grace and Jesus’ death - you can belong
To a never ending Kingdom with a worthy King
That’s worth giving up your everything.

I can’t wait to get the calls and invites 
And hear about your futures what He’s done in your lives!

And hope that your stories impact many in the years to come
As you will lead with honesty and integrity, even when you are young.

We have learned alot. 
Laughed a lot. 
Loved alot. 
That’s why it hurts to say good-bye.

Thank you for your childhood. 
